JBC Advanced series AR 5800 dual control solder desolder station with self conta

$ 325
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JBC Advanced series AR 5800 dual control solder desolder station with self containted vacuum system. Bidding on 1 unit as shown.
Unit is compatible with the PA 110 smt desoldering tool and the MV-A vacuum desoldering tool for thru hole parts desoldering.
Both of these units are being offered under a separate listing from PFI.
3 units available
SN"s 101185-007, 101185-000, 101185-008
Show minor scratches etc from wear, but all are in good working order and powered up.
The are 2 thru hole desoldering stations AR 5600 with DR 8500 tool holders and 4 PA 8110 SMT desoldering tools that are compatible with this
control unit being offered by PFI under a separate listing. Contact us with details on price and availability.